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Video Resources

When you are feeling down or unsure, lost or sad, happy or desiring to encourage others then we want you to watch or share our videos. You can subscribe to our YouTube Channel hereWe know right now they are a little rough, but as we grow we will get better! Right now, we care about giving you resources to help you where you are today! 

Change It

In this video, we discuss a Maya Angelou quote and celebrate new opportunities for Grief and Hope Connect.

Forehead to Forehead

In this video Grief and Hope Connect founder, Catina Light describes recent events that reminded her to find her identity in Christ and not her brokenness or perceived failure.


This video is about how our prospective changes the way we relate to life, loss and love. 

living with a progressive illness

Rich Angelini shares his story with us. He talks about how having Parkinson's disease has affected his life. He also gives us insights into how we can support others living with progressive illnesses.

Grief and Hope Connect Introduction

A unedited, unrefined, not produced honest intro to Grief & Hope Connect (don't worry thee videos will hopefully get better) !

Some ​Hope on a Discouraging Day

I have bad days too. This is a story to give you hope. Remember what Ecclesiastes 3:11, "He makes everything beautiful in His time"

Let's Celebrate! 

It is official! Grief and Hope Connect is a 501(c)(3) organization! 

Hear more about what we are working on!

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